Doll House Raffle 2019-2020 Season

In conjunction with the three Cascade Winds Concerts this season, we will be selling raffle tickets for a beautiful doll house made by one of our musicians, Erik Hoagland.

This gem of a doll house will be on display at our concerts and a representative of the Cascade winds will be selling raffle tickets for $5 each or 3 for $10. A winner will be drawn after our May 31st 2020 concert. The winner will be contacted after the drawing. (Note if the winner can not be contacted after one week, an additional drawing will be held, until a winner comes forward to collect the doll house).

Auction Success and Second Chance Sale

The Cascade Winds would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2019 “Experience the Winds” silent auction. The proceeds will be used by the Cascade Winds Symphonic Band Association to defray the costs of providing high quality symphonic band music for Central Oregon.

There were a few items that did not find a home at the conclusion of the auction so we are conducting a “Second Chance” sale shortly to make sure everyone has a chance to participate. Click here to see the items. Please email us at to arrange purchase of these items. First come, first served until they are gone.

Spring Concert & Silent Auction June 3, 2018

The final concert of the Cascade Winds 2017-2018 season will take place on Sunday, June 3, 2pm, in the Summit High School Auditorium. Admission is free but donations will gladly be accepted. Additionally, the second annual Cascade Winds silent auction, Experience the Winds, will take place at intermission. Many of the items up for bid are from the musicians themselves, relating to their professions, hobbies and special interests, such as private lessons, wine, woodworking, fishing, et cetera. 

Cascade Winds conductor, Michael Gesme, and the members of the band are pleased to present a variety traditional and non-traditional wind band literature. James Curnow’s “Spirit of the Pioneers,” a lively overture that is, in the words of the composer, “intended to capture the spirit of adventure, commitment to excellence, and drive to succeed that possesses all pioneers in todays’ world of discovery” will launch the performance. Also on the first half will be the sounds of heroic and romantic film music in “Journey to the Lion’s Castle” by Rossano Galante and two classic up tempo marches, “The Klaxon” by Henry Fillmore and Karl King’s “The Melody Shop,” the latter being best characterized as having the silliness and speed of a circus march. The Cascade Winds percussionists will be featured on this concert as they perform an entertaining grove-based work for percussion ensemble by Jim Casella titled “Scuttlebutt.” 

The second half of the concert will be dedicated to a single work: “Symphony No. 1, New Day Rising” by contemporary American composer, Steven Reineke. The four movements of this work collectively recount the events surrounding the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. The symphony begins with a glorious picture of a vibrant and colorful San Francisco (pre earthquake) followed by a ‘Nocturne’ that depicts the city on the eve of the infamous quake. The third movement, ‘And the Earth Trembled’ paints a vivid picture of the devastation and destruction wreaked by the tremors and aftershocks. The concluding movement calmly and stately depicts the rebuilding of shattered lives and the restoring of civilization — though ending with a quiet dissonance that signals the danger that still lies below the surface. 


One hour prior to our concert and during intermission there is a silent auction featuring experiences and items from our very own musicians. The funds raised will be used to offset our concert costs, including theater rental, school staff, and tuition for the musicians. There are many unique items for you to choose from including fishing, hiking, handcrafted items, and even a meal with our conductor, Michael Gesme.

Click here for a copy of the catalog for the auction.

Cascade Winds Winter Concert 2018 Press Release

Please join conductor Michael Gesme and the Cascade Winds Symphonic Band on the Summit High School stage, Sunday March 11th, 2018 at 2:00 PM to hear a variety of great music.

Local vocalist extraordinaire Trish Sewell, will join the Winds to sing several jazz standards, including Moon River, and Over the RainbowSomeone to Watch Over Me, and Star Dust

Three marches pepper the program, including the first performance of Perseverance, A Modern Medieval March by Bend composer Chris Redgrave.

The program closes with Symphony No. 3 by Kozhevnikov, a work re-discovered after the lifting of the iron curtain, featuring Russian folk tunes from the city of Novgorod.

Free admission.